SmartPM Summary Report

This video covers the Summary Report, which is a condensed one page report generated from the dashboard metrics.

Within the Summary Report the planned vs. actual percent complete graphic is included, along with the dashboard metrics and table tracking baseline finish date, current schedule finish date, and variance for different milestones.


The Summary Report is a one page report which is great to bring to a meeting. It will allow you to discuss and share some of the high level metrics that the dashboard highlights. 

Click on the “Summary Report” link on the menu bar below the project information.

Schedule Selection:

If you have a re-baseline schedule, we can see it in the “Select Baseline Scenario” Box or select it from the pulldown menu.

Important Project Metrics

The Summary Report shows a summary of important project metrics visually across the top: 

  • SPI - Schedule Performance Index shows thePlanned versus Actual Performance
  • Project Health
  • Delay
  • Acceleration
  • Schedule grades 
  • Compression

Planned vs. Actual Percent Complete Graph: 

This graph shows you why things aren't progressing as planned. It has the following curves:

  • Actual
  • Scheduled Completion
  • Planned (Originals)
  • Predictive Completion

Milestone Tracking

If you have set up your schedule to track to specific milestones, to track to specific trades, you can see how is a milestone is progressing or the completion of a trade progressing. The Milestone table shows:

  • Baseline date
  • Current End Date
  • End date variance
  • Forecasted completion date
  • Compression

Critical Path Delays and Recoveries

The Summary Report also provides detailed information for:

  • Last Period Critical Path Delays
  • Last Period Critical Path Recoveries

Print the Summary Report:

You can print the Summary Report and bring it to your meetings so you can discuss issues with subs and with Superintendents.

  • Select the blue “Print” button in the upper right corner