Quick Start Procedures

Download the slide deck here: (https://smartpmtech.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Quick-Start-Procedures-Template-10.21.19.pdf)

Procedure Table of contents

Procedure Topics
1. Setting Up a New Project & Updating an Existing Project 
  • Logging-in, Importing a Project, Importing a Schedule Update
2. Performing a Delay Analysis
  • Running a Delay Analysis
  • Understanding End Date Variance Calculations

3. Evaluating Schedule Quality

  • Checking Quality, How to interpret the results, where to look for additional information regarding quality
4. Evaluating Delays & Recoveries
  • How to interpret the Delay Table, which activities are driving the delays
5. Evaluating Compression
  • How to evaluate compression; what does this mean for the project
6. Evaluating Forecasted End Dates
  • Understanding the Forecasted End Date