Project Workspace Set up

You will learn how to set up the Project Workspace to see the analytics that are important to your project.


How to set up the Project Workspace


Set the Model and Milestones

  1. Click on the project name from the main Dashboard. You will see a list of your Key Milestones and the primary scenario model you previously selected with the “Mark as Primary” command, will be the default selected active Milestone.
  2. Click on the scenario model in the Model box on the upper right to see a list of all of the previously created model scenarios.
  3. Click the radio button to the left of the Model you want to use and click the Select button.
  4. Click the radio button to the left of the Key Milestone you want to track and all of the Trend Graph Cards will reset to show the data for that Milestone and all of the items in the menu bar on the right will reflect data for that Milestone. If you have more than three milestones, click on “Display all Milestones” located below the list of Key Milestones to see all of your Milestones.
  5. Select the “Mark as Primary” button on the upper right to make this the default Milestone you want to track


Customize the Trend Graph Cards 

You have the ability to move and resize the Trend Graph Cards below the Key Milestone Table and then save the configuration so that it will be applicable across all projects. 


Click “Customize” next to the edit pencil icon on the upper left above the Key Milestone Table


  • Resize the Card:Hover your mouse over the edge of a Card and you will see a double arrow that allows you to make the graph wider or narrower. Click on the double arrow and adjust the width of your Card.
  • Move the Card: Click on the 6 dots in the lower right corner of the Card and you will be able to move the card into a space that is empty. To move the cards there needs to be an available space
  • Hide the Card:  To hide a Card, click on the eye icon in the upper right corner of the Card
  • Save your new layout: Click the blue Save button on the upper right above the Key Milestone Table.
  • Go back to the default layout: Click “Customize” next to the edit pencil icon on the upper left above the Key Milestone Table and click on the “Reset Card Layout”  button located on the right side of the Customize box and that will reset all the cards to their original default sizes and positions.