Error: Circular Logic

This video will show you how to diagnose circular logic error message when importing schedules into SmartPM


What is Circular Logic?

According to the GAO circular logic is where two activities are dependent on each other, both as predecessors and successors simultaneously. 


Why am I not seeing the circular logic error in P6?

SmartPM utilizes retained logic when scheduling progressed activities. If your current schedule is using the Progress Override or Actual Dates settings in the original scheduling platform, you may not be able to see the  circular logic issues. To see the circular logic issues, you need to use the Retained Logic setting.


SmartPM checks for circular logic on the actualized progress side of your schedule so everything to the left of the data date. Scheduling programs like P6 don't necessarily check for that. So you may see circular logic within SmartPM that you were not seeing in the native scheduling platform because it is not checking on the actualized side of your schedule for that circular logic.


How to see the circular logic in P6

  1. In P6 press F9
  2. Click the Options button
  3. Select Retained Logic and the click the Close button
  4. Press the schedule button
  5. A pop up Circular References window will appear and show you all of the circular logic in your schedule file

The next step is to remove the circular logic ties from your schedule.