Demonstration of SmartPM Capabilities

This video is a brief overview of the SmartPM Capabilities so you can have a big picture of what you can do with SmartPM.

SmartPM is a cloud-based platform that imports your native schedule files from your construction projects and produces analytics around delay, acceleration, schedule, quality, and schedule feasibility.  SmartPM takes your native schedule files, loads them into the system, and performs the calculations to give you deeper insights into your project. 


High Level View of all Projects

When you first log into SmartPM you will see the company dashboard which shows high level cumulative analytics across all of the projects that an executive would want to see to gauge the overall status of the projects, including the following metrics:

  • Project Health
  • End date variance
  • Delay
  • Acceleration
  • Schedule quality


Detailed Project Information

You can also get detailed information on each project by clicking on the project name. This takes you to the project dashboard.


The Delay Table lets you see delays and accelerations that happen from update to update. 

The Change Log lets you study changes from update to update to understand how your plan evolves as the project progresses. 

The Reports tab gives you access to reports:

  • Should have started/ Should have finished Report 
  • Summary Report
  • SmartPM report that shows really at the highest level the main calculations that SmartPM is making in a one document report. 

The Weather tab allows you to get weather information such as actual and historical weather scenarios in 

Scenario conditions tab allows you to model the data in a way that you see fit and create “What if” scenarios to study the project at a deeper level. 

The Gantt Chart view lets you look at the schedule as you would in a traditional Gantt chart, as well as get information around subcontractor performance and total project performance.